Alpha Engine Specs Series Workshop Manual

Alpha Engine Specs Series Workshop Manual


Alpha Engine Specs Series Workshop Manual

The purpose of this manual is to give information, operating, maintenance, and repair procedures for the ‘Alpha’ series of industrial, marine, and gas-fuelled engines.

The manual is designed primarily for use by qualified technicians with electrical and mechanical experience. This work can only be carried out if the necessary hand and service tools are available. When the user has insufficient tools, experience, or ability to carry out adjustments, maintenance and repairs then this work should not be attempted.

Where accurate measurements, or torque values, are required they can only be made using calibrated instruments. Under no circumstances should makeshift tools or equipment be used, as their use may adversely affect safe working procedures and engine operation.

The specification details given apply to a range of engines and not to anyone particular engine. In cases of difficulty, the user should consult the local Lister Petter Distributor or Dealer for further advice and technical assistance.

The information, specifications, illustrations, instructions, and statements contained within this
publication are given with our best intentions and are believed to be correct at the time of going to press. Our policy is one of continued development and we reserve the right to amend any technical information with or without prior notice.

Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the particulars contained within this publication, neither the Manufacturer, Distributor or Dealer shall in any circumstances be held liable for any inaccuracy or the consequences thereof.

Alpha Engine Specs Series Workshop Manual
Alpha Engine Specs Series Workshop Manual
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Price: $29.99

Alpha Engine Specs Series Workshop Manual

The information given is subject to the Company’s current Conditions of Tender and Sale, is for the assistance of users, and is based upon results obtained from tests carried out at the place of manufacture.

This Company does not guarantee that the same results will be obtained elsewhere under different conditions.

Parts that have not been approved by the Lister Petter organization cannot be relied upon for correct material, dimensions, or finish. This Company cannot, therefore, be responsible for any damage arising from the use of such parts and the guarantee will be invalidated.

When purchasing parts or giving instructions for repairs users should, in their own interests, always specify Genuine Lister Petter Parts and quote the Description of the Part and the Engine Serial Number.

Manual Contents page
Introduction 4
Section 01 General Information 5
Section 02 Engine Servicing and Adjustments13
Section 03 Engine Fluids 75
Section 04 The LPWG Gas and Electrical Systems 79
Section 05 Operating Instructions 85
Section 06 Marine Gearboxes 91
Section 07 Routine Maintenance 95
Section 08 Troubleshooting105
Section 09 Wiring Diagrams – industrial engines109
Section 10 Wiring Diagrams – marine engines 119
Section 11 Wiring Diagrams – LPWG engines 129
Section 12 Engine Build Details 133
Section 13 Technical Data135
Section 14 Dismantle and Rebuild 143
Section 15 Conversion Factors 145
Section 16 Index 149

Alpha Engine Specs Series Workshop Manual